Welcome to Emerging Sprouts Forest Preschool!
During COVID19 we are offering Virtual Tours.
Applications are STILL Open for our 2020/2021 School Year. We are helping families to form in person Homeschool Forest Pods, apply with us on our website!
We hope you are staying safe at home, we are currently Open for our families Via our Zoom Classroom, this tour shows you what a typical day at Emerging Sprouts Forest School looks like!
Morning Drop off: students arrive between 9-9:15am, they join in free play with peers and say goodbye to parents.
Climbing on trees during morning free play

Between 9:30-10:30 students play and eat snack!
At 10:30 students play a game called Race Cars - during this game all the students pretend to be some sort of vehicle, and they run around a"track" made in the forest.
Circle time is between 20-25 minutes with a visual schedule so students can follow along with the teachers and routine. Students show teachers a quiet finger to participate in one of the many circle time jobs!
We start circle with a song to help us remember what to do with our eyes, ears, mouths and bodies!
Our class sings about the weather while children pick out forecast cards to show the weather report to the rest of the class.
Children pick out songs we sing as a group!
The children pass out musical instruments!
After circle time, we pack up and take a hike! Often go down to the bay for free play in the water, or hike into a more shady spot with many tree climbing options.
11:30am-12pm is Lunch time.

12:45-1pm Caregivers come to pick up and it is time to go home, unless children are enrolled for extended care until 3pm.
Thank you for joining our virtual tour, set up a phone call with our Director Emma to discuss enrollment for the 2020/2021 School Year.